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Monday, 13 March 2017

My Hangover Routine

I'm writing this post hungover AF, after a fabulous night out at Uni. I thought I'd just document my day and let you guys know what I get up to when I'm hanging to the max...

Naturally, I had a LUSH bath as they always make me feel so much better. I've never actually tried one of these Melting Marshmallow Moment before, but it left my skin so soft and moisturised, so I'd really recommend this if you are like me and can never be bothered to moisturise your body.
I always use a face mask too when I am in the bath, I just feel like it always improves my skin, and I'm not the best at looking after it so I'm trying to improve my skincare routine. These L'oreal Clay masks are amazing, I love the Glow one as it gently exfoliates and when I use it twice a week I really notice a difference in how even my skin tone is. Plus, they're super affordable which is a yes from me. (Let's all appreciate my braveness to upload a photo of me with this mask on....)
Since I exfoliated my face with this mask, I thought I'd give my body a little treat too, so I used my Body Shop Frosted Plum sugar scrub which smells incredible!

After getting out the bath, when I am hungover, I actually try to put in the effort to moisturise my whole body, and I'm currently loving the Body Shop Peach Body Butter. They take a while to rub into the skin but you smell delish after and you're super soft.

As I mentioned, I am really trying to take care of my skin, so I've been trying out this The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid, a serum which hydrates the skin. I've actually noticed such a difference in my skin since using it, and it was an absolute steal. I apply my Simple face moisturiser afterwards, and my Origins Ginsing Eye Cream, and my skin is left super soft and bright.

After I'm all beautified, I generally lie on my bed for the next 5 hours catching up on Youtube videos and watching Netflix with a Dominoes. My current favourite Youtubers are HelloOctober, Hannah Renee and Zanna Van Dijk. As for Netflix, I'm binging on Jane The Virgin, which I am in LOVE with, but I also just watched The Vampire Diaries season finale and I cried so much, lord help me. 

Let me know what you guys do when you're hanging!

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