If there is one thing that annoys me at Christmas time, it's girls worrying so much about the amount of food they are eating and what it will do to their figure. Girls...let me tell you something, let yourself go at Christmas and regret nothing.
I am a tad guilty of this myself, I won't lie. I do find myself feeling bad after overeating at Christmas, but it is all about balance. For me, I still go to the gym over the Christmas period. I will have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day off, as the gym generally isn't open, but it just helps me keep my guilt at bay (even though it is obscene that we all feel guilty about eating crap in the festive period). Although, this year I will be in Cornwall, and I have no idea whether there will be any gyms out in the middle of nowhere.
All you have to remember is that you don't eat like this all 365 days of the year, and eating like this for one week of the year is not going to have a huge impact on your body, in the long term. Yes, you will probably feel bloated, and look a couple months pregnant after your Christmas dinner, but so what, everyone will, embrace it! Your whole years progress you've made in the gym won't go to waste just because of one week, please remember that.
So basically, this is a blog post reminding you all to eat whatever the hell you want at Christmas, and just enjoy it. After all, what would Christmas be without all the mince pies, Quality Street, chocolate coins and Christmas cake?!
This will be my last post of 2017, so have the most amazing Christmas, and you’ll hear from me in 2018, with all my ‘new year new me’ bullshit...
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