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Monday, 28 May 2018

To save or not to save, adjusting, and a boring schedule

It's always hard to decide what is acceptable to write about on my blog and what isn't, but I put out a Twitter poll and many of you said you would read a post that featured honest feelings/thoughts, so here we go (get your cup of tea and biscuit ready)...

Recently, I have felt like I am in a complete rut, and stuck in the same boring routine. I get up at the same time, get on the same train everyday, seeing the same people, go to work, go to the gym, and go to bed. I know, woe is me. I'm fully aware that this is most people's lives, but I am seriously struggling with adjusting to this. My mindset is still that of a uni student, and doing the same thing everyday is really not for me (unless that same thing happens to be getting up at 11am, watching Netflix, going to the library and having a Snakebite everyday). I definitely need to make more after work plans, but I feel that having plans after work ruins my gym schedule - which admittedly I am a little too precious about, and also, I'm trying desperately to save a load of money, which brings me on to my next point...

I feel like everyone my age is travelling, or doing cool things, not working in an office all day, and that kind of makes me feel like crap. I am saving as much money as I possibly can every month so that in a year or so I can put a deposit down on a house, but when I think about it, once I own that house and have a mortgage to pay every month, and bills that need to be paid, I am not going to be able to afford to go travelling then - so why aren't I doing it now? Why am I putting so much money aside each month when I could be doing other things with that money (e.g. buying a Gucci Bag) that will make me happy? My list of places I want to travel to is so long, and I might still be young, but I am not getting any younger, surely this is the prime time to be travelling the world?!

I'd love to know your thoughts on this - are you in a similar position of debating travelling v.s. saving for a property? I hate feeling confused and not knowing what I want to do in life, and I know for sure that I am not the only person that feels this way.

I'm not one to talk about mental health, but I think we all need to talk about our feelings and thoughts more, even if it is just via blogs and social media - it helps to get things out, and it's great for letting others know that they are not alone in their feelings. I've recently not felt so good in my mindset, and this is something I really want to change. 

Shoes - Vans
Sunglasses - ASOS


  1. So true! I got a new job recently which I really like but ever since then I've been stuck in the same old routine. I know I need to change it up a little but the idea of doing so is stressful because.... I'm changing up my routine lol. It is true that as you get older it gets harder to be spontaneous, and can let life pass you by without even realizing it


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