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Sunday, 20 January 2019

What you can expect from me this year

Hello strangers, yes - it is me, no - I didn't fall off the face of the earth. This weekend I finally sat down to brainstorm for my blog after having a very inspiring week. On Wednesday I went to a panel discussion by Em Sheldon (@emshelx), Alex Serruys (@alexincolour), Pixie Turner (@pixienutrition) & Lauren Black (@imlaurenblack), which really inspired me to get back into writing my blog. I love writing, so I don't really know why I have resorted to playing Sims 4 at the weekend and complaining to anyone who will listen about my Sunday Blues, rather than writing for my blog. 

Since this is my first post for 2019, I thought that it would be a great idea to outline what you can expect from my blog this year. Believe it or not, my blog started out as a beauty blog, and it has definitely transitioned over the years to be more of a fashion and lifestyle blog that occasionally dips its toes into beauty. Fashion is where my heart is right now, and with so much change needed in the fashion industry, there will be a lot of content on sustainable fashion and rewearing clothes from past seasons - so be prepared to see lots of older clothes in my posts that you won't be able to buy anymore. I will always tag alternatives though if you fancy taking inspo from my outfits. 

If you missed my post on ethical fashion and why we all need to care a little bit more about the fast fashion industry, you can give it a read here. Since writing the post I have genuinely cut back on my shopping habits, and if I am looking for a particular item, I tend to start out my search on retailers that I know are making changes when it comes to sustainable fashion, such as Nobody's Child* or even going onto Depop. 

 I will most definitely still be writing general life posts here. They are my favourite to write because if you haven't guessed, or are new to my blog, I love a good ramble. But I am going to make a conscious effort to write more gym and fitness posts too. They don't actually do as well as my other posts, probably because I am no expert, but you guys always ask for them. 

This year my goals are the same as last year in terms of physical changes; I want to grow a booty and I won't say no if I finally get a flat tum. But more importantly, my goals are less aesthetic and improving my strength in my upper body, and my stamina when it comes to running are things I am hoping to focus on a bit more in 2019. Certain things over 2018 made me change my view on why I workout, and one thing I don't want for this year is to get sucked back into the mentality that going to the gym is only to change the way I look. Surprisingly, despite my frequent comments on my belly and flat arse, I love my body at the moment!

Beauty posts are not something that I will shy away from this year. I am by no means a beauty blogger anymore, and definitely don't keep up with the latest releases from brands. However, I am keen to write more skincare posts, as well as roundups of my favourite products. Since leaving University, I don't really have occasions to wear makeup all that often, so my favourites are unlikely to change much, so expect a favourites maybe...once this year, unless anyone wants to take me out somewhere so I can have an excuse to experiment with new products!


Better photos is a huge thing for me this year. Towards the middle and end of 2018, if you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed (I hope) that my images became better quality. This is down to borrowing friends cameras, and just finding people that can operate mine a bit better to shoot my pictures. I won't ever be a blogger that has perfect photos, but I am going to take the time to learn more about my DSLR this year, and therefore improve the quality of all my images. I know that when I visit new blogs, whether or not I subscribe to them is heavily dependant on their images and whether or not they draw me in, so it is hugely important for me that my images reflect me as a person, and are the best they can be. If anyone has any good recommendations for courses that I can do, either from home, or on weekends, to improve my knowledge on my Canon DSLR, please let me know.

I'd love to discover more blogs this year, in particular blogs that focus on sustainable fashion, so please drop your blog links down below and I will give you a follow on Bloglovin'. Also, please let me know what you would like to read from me this year, it's great to have feedback!

Blazer - old H&M - similar here*
Jeans - Topshop*
Boots - old Missguided - similar here*

*this post contains affiliate links, marked with asterixis

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