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Thursday, 2 January 2014

2013 Favourites

Happy New Year!

So 2013 seems to be a bit of a blur I'm not going to lie - but I put together some of my favourites to share with you all.

1. Taylor Swift - Wonderstruck
I have written a full review of this perfume here, but I couldn't resist putting this perfume in my 2013 favourites. I'm pretty sure I have used this perfume every single day since I got it for Christmas in 2012. The scent is so sweet and fruity and perfect for everyday use. I wont talk too much about it because if you want to read more about it then you can just click here. Taylor is one of my favourite people ever so it will be no surprise to everyone who knows me that this is in my favourites. 

2. Maybelline - The Rocket Mascara
I personally don't think this product gets enough recognition amongst the other Maybelline products out there. Many people rave about The Falsies mascara (which yeah is very good) but this one just works so well for me. The Brush is a plastic brush which I find always gives far more volume yet more natural looking lashes. Personally, I have really straight lashes and need a mascara that will hold my curl for the whole day as well as creating volume within my lashes, as length isn't a huge issue. This mascara does this perfectly and I have been using this for over a year now, and I shall continue to repurchase it.

3. Benefit Porefessional
A cult beauty product that I have actually only got into over the past half a year or so. My mum had a sample and I think I used most of it up. I am planning on getting a full sized tube in the new year. This balm makes the perfect base for any foundation or BB cream, as it reduces and fills in any pores that are majorly visible. It makes your skin so smooth and flawless and indeed makes your makeup stay on far longer than it would alone. I have read quite a few posts about how many people actually use this alone as it perfects their skin so much they feel they don't need foundation. Personally I couldn't go without foundation or BB Cream so I don't think I could give that a go, but I guess it kinda tells you just how good it really is. 

4. Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation - Natural Beige
This foundation was definitely one of my best discoveries of 2013. Probably one of the thickest foundations I have ever used, however it is super easy to blend into your skin and it gives such amazing coverage.  This shade is slightly too dark for me in the winter but its not too noticeable and the shade below would be far too light. I don't use this as my everyday foundation purely because the coverage is so heavy and I don't feel I need it, but it is such a nice foundation for going out.

5. Label.M Shine Spray
Shine Spray is something that always intrigues me because the ends of my hair are in a pretty bad state and anything that will make them look less dull is of interest. I use this Shine Spray after I straighten my hair and it literally makes me look like I am from a L'oreal advert or something. It has a UV shield in it as well and that can't be bad in the summer. If you straighten your hair loads or like your hair to look sleek and fresh I would recommend this product because it just does my hair wonders.

6. MAC Speak Louder
This was actually my first ever MAC lipstick which I bought in May this year in Duty Free. I knew I wanted a MAC Lipstick but I didn't know which one to get since the selection is so large, so I settled for Speak Louder, a wearable pink that suits pretty much everyone. I do not regret buying this at all! I think its such a good choice to go for if it is your first MAC Lipstick purchase, because it is one you know you will wear loads. My general lipstick collection is not large, approximately 30 different ones - and I can honestly say Speak Louder is in my top 5. Its a shade I often wear to school and to work because it is obviously not too bright and over the top. Since it is a Creamsheen it is super moisturising and goes on the lips easily. 

The camera makes the colour look really dull but it really isn't.

7. Essie - A List
The most gorgeous red tone that you will ever see my friends. I have been reaching for this nail colour every time I want a red on my nails. I just love the Essie polishes mainly because they're so pigmented but also because the brush is so wide making the application quick and easy. Such a gorgeous Autumn/Winter colour and a classic red!

8. The Mortal Instruments Books
I can't link you to these books because there is a whole series of them. You may be familiar with the first book which is called City Of Bones, which was actually made into a film earlier this year. I was recommended these books by a girl at work who said they were her favourite books and she described them to me and they sounded pretty cool, different worlds, mythical creatures etc - so I gave them a shot. These are some of the best books I have ever read, kudos to Cassandra Clare. I'm not going to tell you anything about the plot but if you love stories like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games, you will love The Mortal Instruments. Currently I am on the second book, which I wish I had more time to read because I have been on it for months, but they're honestly so engaging!

What things did you love over 2013?

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