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Wednesday, 29 January 2014

MAC - Sumptuous Olive & Bronze

I have been meaning to show you some eye looks that I enjoy creating with my MAC palette, but I wanted to show you in a casual tutorial sort of way, so I will give it a go.
Please excuse my overall face as I only wore face powder today!

Two of my favourite eye shadows are the ever so popular Sumptuous Olive, and Bronze. Sumptuous Olive is, as the name suggests, an olive tone with a hint of shimmer, and Bronze is exactly as the name suggests. The look I like to create is super subtle and its perfect for a winter daytime look.

The inner half of my eye is where I put Sumptuous Olive. I apply it pretty roughly as this is only a daytime look. Then, on the outer half and crease I apply Bronze, which sort of comes out like my natural skin colour but with a bit of shimmer. These two make such a gorgeous combination and they are not two colours I would immediately think to combine. 

I realize from this picture I probably should have taken the colour a little bit higher but it looks gorgeous with my eye shut. The winged liner is obviously optional, but I used the L'oreal Ultra-Precision Superliner which I am absolutely loving.

What are your favourite MAC eye shadows?

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1 comment:

  1. Stunning colour, going to add this to my MAC palette I am slowly making! :)


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