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Friday, 3 July 2015

June Favourites 2015

Aloha! It's that time again where I tell you what I have been loving throughout the previous month. I apologise for being AWOL again for the past few months, I have had a hectic time at University with exams etc, but now that I am back home for summer I intend to be blogging at least once a week. Enough with the rambling though, let me share with you my favourites from June.

1) LUSH A Breath of Fresh Air Toner
I'm not really one for an extravagant skin care routine, I like these sort of things to be done as quickly as possible, which is one of the reasons I love this LUSH Toner. All you have to do is spray it on, which I normally do before moisturising in the evening. I find that it also works lovely as a face mist on those hot days where you just need a quick refresh, and with the sun finally popping its head out, I have been using this an awful lot over the past month.

 2) Taylor Swift Incredible Things Perfume
As you all know I am obsessed with all of the Taylor Swift perfumes, but this is by far my favourite. It has very sweet Vanilla and floral tones to it, which are my ideal summer scent. I love wearing something fresh and floral in the Summer months, and I can tell that I will be wearing it all the way through till September/October time. Throughout June I found myself reaching for Incredible Things more than Wonderstruck which is bizzare considering I have got through 3 bottles of Wonderstruck! It is definitely a new love of mine.

3) Maybelline Brow Drama in Dark Brown
With the weather being a bit warmer towards the end of June, I found myself not really wanting to wear a lot of makeup, and therefore have been toning my eyebrows down quite a bit. I discovered the Maybelline Brow Drama a few months back, however was simply using it to set my brows in place after I had used my Sleek Brow Kit to fill them in. Recently I have found that not only is it great at setting the brows in place, but it also adds a bit of colour to the brows and makes hairs you didn't even realise you had stand out. On its own it creates well structured but natural looking brows, which I have been loving. It is also by far one of the best drugstore brow gels I have tried.

4) MAC Lipstick in Taupe
Taupe was one of my Duty Free purchases back in April when I went on holiday to Egypt, and since then I have been using it every day. It is my go-to lipstick for everyday use and also for the evenings, as it just goes with every makeup look. The finish of the lipstick is matte which means it sticks around for quite a while, however I do tend to line my lips with the GOSH liner in Nougat Crisp before I apply Taupe. The two are a perfect combination. For me, Taupe is my alternative to the "Kylie Jenner Nude", as Whirl Lip pencil is literally the same colour as my natural lips. If you have a slightly darker skin tone, or love brown toned nudes, then I would really recommend this for you.

5) Maybelline The Rocket Waterproof Mascara 
I think I actually featured this mascara in my first ever favourites post, and I definitely still love it just as much. It's one of those mascara's I crack out when my hay fever starts, as it is super waterproof and therefore withstands my eye watering. This mascara is possibly the only mascara I have ever tried that can hold a curl in my lashes for the entire day! My lashes naturally grow downwards, like an elephants, and it's ridiculously hard to get them to stay up, so The Rocket is a complete lifesaver for me. The only downside I find is that when it gets wet it does flake a little bit, however I don't find it too annoying.

6) Orange is The New Black
Everyone and their dogs were talking about OITNB after the release of season 3, and so I decided to see what the hype was about. Needless to say I loved it, and managed to get all the way up to Season 3 episode 8 before the end of June. For those who don't know, the show is about inmates at a Prison, and there are three main cliques inside. There is a lot more comedy in the show than I expected, and Piper (the main character) is a hell of a lot more annoying than I expected, but putting her aside, I think this may potentially be one of my new favourite shows. When is season 4 coming out?!

7) Jurassic World
Jurassic World had a lot of mixed reviews when I had a look, however most of the negatives seemed to be from people who were a fair bit older than me and had seen the original Jurassic Park films. As I had nothing to compare Jurassic World to, I was completely blown away. The CGI was insane, and all the dinosaurs looked super realistic. The whole film was a lot more emotional than I had anticipated, and I did find myself getting attached to characters that I didn't think I would at the beginning. Truly one of the best films I have seen all year. Oh p.s. Chris Pratt looks divine, as per.

8) Taylor Swift 1989
Of course I had to mention bae one more time in this post, and this time it is for her music. 1989 has been a favourite of mine ever since it was released, however last weekend I was lucky enough to go and see Taylor live again, at BST in Hyde Park. During the lead up to the concert all I was listening to was 1989, and I can honestly say I know every single word to every single song because they are all so damn catchy! Taylor put on a beautiful show at BST, she never fails to amaze me - and if anything, it made me love 1989 even more!

What have you been loving the past month?

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