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Monday 21 September 2015

Things I Love To Do When Its Raining

With the bad weather now on its way, thanks to the arrival of Autumn, I thought it would be appropriate to share with you my favourite things to do when the weather is rubbish and it's far too wet to be outside. Typically, as I write this, the rain is pouring down over my garden.

1) Start a new series on Netflix
I recently finished watching Daredevil on Netflix, which by the way was potentially one of my all time favourite series, but I always find that watching Netflix is the best way to pass a day where you really cannot leave the house unless you wish to become a drowned rat. Netflix have really improved their variety recently, and since today's weather is awful here in London, I am going to get cracking on 'My List'.

2) Catch up on blog stuff
This is not necessarily something that is applicable to everyone, but I find that when the weather is rubbish it gives me a chance to get my head down and write as many blog posts as I can so that I have no excuse for not posting when I am having a busy day. 

3) Organise and Tidy my room
My bedroom at home is a complete tip, and since I am in and out at University all the time, my family seem to think it is okay to use my room as storage for all the rubbish in our house. It thoroughly needs a deep clean and a massive clearout is also desperately needed, and I always find that I feel a hundred times less stressed once I have a calm and uncluttered area to relax in.

4) Online Shop
When is online shopping not a good idea?! (says the girl who is constantly in her overdraft...). I do often get lost in my laptop on rainy days, and I also find that the "Want" bookmarks folder on my Chrome gets very full, no thanks to ASOS. Even though 90% of the time I don't end up buying anything there and then, I do keep and eye on all the items I have bookmarked and if it happens that any of them go on sale, I will snatch them up.

5) Go to the Cinema
Tuesdays and Wednesdays are always Cinema days for me and my boyfriend, as we make the most of our 2 for 1 Meerkat Movies offer. We do tend to go mostly when it is raining, as this way we cannot be upset about the fact we can't do anything due to the rain. I always find that although the cinema is busy when the weather is awful, there is just something so cosy and comforting about watching a film in the dark.

6) Do some Colouring
Something I have recently been loving doing is getting under my duvet with a mug of Green Tea and doing some colouring in. Colouring books for adults seem to be having a massive moment right now, and I jumped straight on the bandwagon. It's so calming and passes the time wonderfully. 

7) Have a hot bath
Perhaps more of an obvious suggestion, but I think there is no better time to pamper yourself than when the sky is grey. A hot bath with a couple of candles and a bath bomb is the perfect way to feel cosy and prep yourself for the next day.

Baking is one of my favourite things to do regardless of what the weather is doing, but there's nothing more warming than having the oven on to bake a cake or a fresh loaf of bread. My favourite things to bake at the moment are Scones, after my recent trip to Newquay I cannot get enough of Scones with Clotted Cream and Jam (not doing any wonders for my waist though...).

What things do you like to get up to when the weather is rubbish?

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