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Friday, 28 July 2017

'Look Of The Day' Haul + Discount Code

Considering how all I have been doing on social media at the moment is panicking about how I am unemployed, I have been spending an awful lot of money. I couldn't resist though when I stumbled across 'Look Of The Day', a new Missguided/Boohoo sort-of-store, which was offering 50% off all orders! I mean...I'd have been stupid to ignore it, right? 

Here are the bits I picked up (apologies for the not so great photos, the weather royally did me over!).

Jeans: £25

I adore these jeans, the wash of them has a real vintage feel, but I cannot help but have a love/hate relationship with mom jeans. They completely flatten your figure, and I don't have much of a booty anyway so I need all the help I can get with my jeans. I do still love how they look from the front so I am definitely keeping hold of these.

Off Shoulder Top: £12

I'm loving this style of top at the moment, it reminds me of when I was younger and these tops were in fashion. With a diamante choker and black jeans I think this top could easily be dressed up too. 

Grey Cropped Top: £8

It had a frenchie on so I bought it...I don't really have any other justification for this purchase. But it is super nice quality and it is a nice top just to throw on everyday.

Crochet Zip Back Crop: £20

I bought this top to wear with the camel trousers I did a post on here. I'm not the biggest fan of crochet, only because I hate feeling the breeze through all the little holes (weird complaint I know), but it's everywhere at the moment so I got a little sucked in. 

Black Playsuit: £12 (unfortunately no image of this one since it didn't have a zip so no way to actually get it on, which was a bit strange)

I'm hoping to do a couple of outfit posts with the items I bought, I'm so excited to style up the jeans and the crochet top. What's your favourite item?

Use discount code: TAKE50 for 50% off all orders!

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