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Monday, 15 January 2018

Things you probably don't realise can affect your body transformation

People get so caught up in going to the gym and eating well, and I am most definitely one of those people. What we don't think about though is that there are other, non-physical things, which can affect your figure and your body transformation journey.

For one, stress plays such a huge role in body transformations. It is something that is so hard to avoid, with stress being fired at all of us from our jobs, travelling, family, and many other things. I don't know the ins and outs of the science behind this but stress can cause weight loss as well as weight gain, which can be hugely unhelpful to those of us trying to change our bodies and the way we look. Personally, when I feel stressed, I make a point of taking time out to calm and relax, whether this is listening to some Taylor Swift, having a bath in the dark, or sticking on a face mask at the end of the day. So, basically, stress is an evil demon that we all need to try harder to avoid!

Sleep also makes such a huge difference when it comes to body transformations. I noticed such a huge change in my body whilst I was a student, and I know that the fact I slept for approximately 10 hours a day was such a huge factor in that. Now, as a working woman (bleugh), I get approximately 7 hours sleep a night, and this has meant I have not noticed any changes in myself over the past few months. I know that it is not the only reason I haven't seen changes, but it has made an impact.

So I guess the whole point of this is just to let you know, that you can eat all the greens in the world, do an hour run everyday, and there will still be other things that can hinder you in reaching your goals. Basically, just look after yourself.


  1. To be honest, I would love to be a fitness addict but I'm the total opposite. Since having a baby my body has just completely gone downhill and I try not to let it bother me but even now when I want to find the time to exercise, it gets to the end of the day and I'm just like I've changed enough nappies today I want to chill! Hahaha maybe in a few years I will jump on board...

    Gemma Louise

    1. I'm sure you'll get into it! I can imagine you don't have much free time with a little bubba though! xx

  2. Fitness has always been so hard for me, I have had osgoodschlatters disease since I was only 10 years old and got sworn off heavy/intense exercise straight away. I always thought that being a runner or lifting heavy weights was the only way to get fit, it's been only recently that I discovered you can stay fit and healthy with much gentler exercises! Stress definitely impacts my health a lot though. x

    1. oh no, I'm sorry to hear that :( it's crazy how good exercise like yoga and pilates are for you! Plus they can help you de-stress ;) x

  3. I didn't realise 'til reading this post that stress and sleep could play such big factors into effecting our body transformation. I was the same in uni I slept much longer than I do now and noticed differences too. But it's so true we need to look after ourselves especially in all areas of our lives :D thank you for sharing this post :)
    Also you have a gorgeous figure Daena! :) hope you're having a great weekend!


    1. Aw you’re so kind, thank you!!! I’m pleased the post was informative :) I hope you’ve had an amazing weekend gorgeous! xx

  4. I started the gym a while back but stress and anxiety made me quit, it really wasnt an environment for me! so im going to try and start some home fitness!


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