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Monday, 2 January 2017

My Goals For 2017

Happy New Year! Here is yet another generic blogger post about my goals for 2017, I promise it's not too long!

1) Get a First in my Degree

For those of you who don't know, I am in my final year of my BA Linguistics degree, which I should (hopefully) graduate from in early July. I am really hoping for a first, as I've put a lot of time and effort into my studies the past three years, although I have been slacking recently. 

2) Be More Consistent in Blogging

I absolutely adore blogging and I know that Uni work has made my content and my consistency suffer a little. Throughout 2017 I am really going to push harder with my blog and make it more fluent, and ensure I stick to my two posts a week, Monday and Friday, unless I hit a major bump in the road. I also would love to do more outfit posts this year.

3) Travel More

Travelling is something I have really begun to enjoy over the past few years, and with a trip to Budapest lined up in February, I am hoping to travel the world a little more through 2017. I won't have a huge amount of money with student debt and only a part time job, but I am hoping I can save up enough to do a couple more trips throughout the year. I'm really hoping to visit New York this year as well as Disneyland Paris!

4) Have More Me Time

So many people think that students live this amazing life where they aren't working, and don't have to get up till 11am most days, and for the most part that is true. We do get up late, but we also go to bed late, so it all evens out. Anyway, my point is, with all my lectures plus the work I am assigned from Uni, combined with the hours I work at my part-time job, there really isn't much me time. This year I want to spend more time on me...doing the things I love, like going to the cinema, having coffee dates with friends and reading more books.

5) Spend More Time With Family

Once I graduate I will probably be moving back home, and after three years of not really seeing my family much, I'd love to spend a little more time with them. Perhaps a cheeky family holiday is in order!

6) The Generic "Be Happier in My Body"

Throughout 2016 I have really become more body confident and changed my body for the better through exercise and eating a little healthier. I aim to continue this through 2017 and build more muscle, rather than necessarily lose weight. I have gone from a 14 to a 10 over the past year and a bit, so losing weight isn't my priority as I am quite happy with my size. The areas I want to focus on in particular are my booty and my abs, if this is successful I will definitely be happy with myself. 

7) Have Saved Some Money 

Very vague, I know. But I am not the best at saving money as I tend to just buy everything I want without really thinking, but over 2017 I would like to save a decent amount. As I'll be a student for over half of the year I don't have a huge target goal, but every little helps.

8) Try New Gym Classes

My current gym doesn't offer much in the way of 'different' gym classes, and I am desperate to try Barre and Pole Fitness. Over 2017, especially once I move back to London, I am determined to try out some of these more unique fitness classes, as going to the gym can get pretty boring sometimes.

9) Minimise Crap!

I have so many belongings, which I found out after moving to University. 2017 is the year I will keep all my belongings to a minimum, and stop holding onto things for their sentimental value. I've decided to employ a one in - one out system with my belongings, so I won't be able to buy anything new without getting rid of something else.  

10) Do More For Charity and Less Fortunate People

Sometimes we all get lost in our own troubles that we forget the troubles of others, and those who have troubles much larger than we do. Over 2016, as President of my University's Makeup Society, I organinsed a couple of charity events for Look Good Feel Better, and we have raise around £200 with the help of influencers and their donations. I hope that over 2017 we can raise even more.

Please let me know down in the comments what your goals are for 2017!


  1. Loving this post babe! I need to do all of these too, well except for getting a first as I'm old and I've finished uni now :( haha!! Good luck for 2017 I hope you get a first and smash it this year!! We need to hang out and do some fun blogging stuff together as well this year! xx

    Tash |

  2. Love these goals Daena! Some of them are so right it's uncanny, like saving money - I simply don't earn enough to put it all away. Good luck on your First!

    Not Copper Armour // Bloglovin'


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