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Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Get Cara Delevingnes' Natural Look!

I have this new found love for Cara Delevingne and her eyebrows. To be totally honest she is who inspired me to sort my eyebrows out and make them more even and bold!
I created this little collage of all the things I think you need to create this natural look that Cara has in most of her Burberry photos. Obviously I am no makeup genius, however from what I know and have tried, I believe that you can create a similar (less expensive) image with these products.
One thing that seems to have fallen off my product list is the Sleek Eyebrow Kit which in all honesty is the thing that holds this look together. It contains a wax and a powder - and together they create perfect bold eyebrows. You do have to perfect the technique of applying the product because too much can ruin the effect you're going for.
I believe the Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation would be a good alternative to the, probably, incredibly expensive one in which Cara has in this photo. It makes the skin look revived and bright, whilst leaving a natural look but also providing good coverage. I know this post isn't detailed because I didn't want it to turn into a tutorial, just a "here's the products you need" sort of thing.
I hope its been somewhat helpful!
Please drop me a comment!


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